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2024-12-27 02:44

AI免费写代码chatGPT软件Build Software. Fast

Windows Template Library - WTL Version 9.1 (build 5270) 2015-09-27 Windows模板库 - WTL Version 9.1 (build 5270) 2015-09-27 (水平有限,不足之处,欢迎指正交流:ybmj@vip.163.com) ________________________________________ Copyright © 2015 Microsoft Corporation, WTL Team. All rights reserved. 微软公司WTL小组2015注册版权所有,Copyright © 2015。 This file is a part of the Windows Template Library. 该文档是WTL的一部分。 The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Microsoft Public License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MS-PL) which can be found in the file MS-PL.txt at the root folder. WTL的使用和分发受微软公共授权协议约束 (http://opensource.org/licenses/MS-PL),具体内容可以查看本发布根目录下的MS-PL.txt文件。 ________________________________________ Welcome to the Windows Template Library, version 9.1. This document contains the following topics: 欢迎使用Windows模板库WTL 9.1。该文档包含以下项目: • Introduction • WTL介绍 • Features and Installation • 功能和安装 • Packing List • 压缩包中的文件列表 • Class Overview • 类简介 • ATL/WTL AppWizard • ATL/WTL应用程序向导 • Support for Windows CE • Windows CE支持 • Support for Visual C++ Express • Visual C++ Express支持 • Notes • 说明 • Changes Between WTL 9.1 and 9.0 • WTL 9.1对9.0 的改变 • Changes Between WTL 9.0 and 8.0 • WTL 9.0对8.0的改变 • Changes Between WTL 8.0 and 7.5 • WTL 8.0对7.5的改变 • Changes Between WTL 7.5 and 7.1 • WTL 7.5对7.1的改变 • Changes Between WTL 7.1 and 7.0 • WTL 7.1对7.0的改变 • Changes Between WTL 7.0 and 3.1 • WTL 7.0对3.1的改变 • Changes Between WTL 3.1 and 3.0 • WTL 3.1对3.0的改变 Introduction WTL介绍 Windows Template Library, or WTL, is a set of classes that extend ATL to support more complex user interfaces for either applications or various UI components, while maintaining the big advantage of ATL - small and fast code. WTL classes were designed to be the best and the easiest way to implement rich Win32 based UI for ATL based applications, servers, components, and controls. WTL(Windows Template Library)是一种ATL扩展类库,它能为应用程序及各种控件提供更复杂的用户界面支持,同时保持ATL简洁快速的优点。WTL类库被设计为ATL实现广泛Win32用户界面的最简最优方式,支持各种应用程序、服务程序、组件和控件。 WTL provides support for implementing many user interface elements, from frame and popup windows, to MDI, standard and common controls, common dialogs, property sheets and pages, GDI objects, UI updating, scrollable windows, splitter windows, command bars, etc. The WTL classes are mostly templated and use minimal instance data and inline functions. They were not designed as a framework, so they do not force a particular application model, and can accommodate any. The classes do not use hooks or thread local storage, so they have no restrictions that those techniques impose. They also have no inter-dependencies and can be freely mixed with straight SDK code. In summary, WTL delivers very small and efficient code, very close in size and speed to SDK programs, while presenting a more logical, object oriented model to a programmer. WTL为众多用户界面元素提供支持,包括框架窗口和弹出窗口、MDI、标准和通用控件、通用对话框、属性表单和属性页、GDI对象、用户界面更新、可滚动窗口、分割窗口、命令条等等。WTL类尽量模板化,使用较少实例数据和较多内联函数。它们并非设计为一个框架,所以并不强制使用特殊应用模式,可以适应各种场合。这些类并未使用hooks(钩子程序)或线程本地存储技术,所以没有植入技术改进的限制。它们也不存在内部依赖性,可以自由地和SDK代码一起混合使用。总之,WTL提供最小最高效的代码,非常接近SDK的体积和速度,同时为程序员提供更强逻辑性和面向对象的特性。 Features and Installation 功能和安装 This is the eigth public release of WTL, after WTL 3.0, 3.1, 7.0, 7.1, 7.5, 8.0, and 9.0. This version is released under the Microsoft Public License, enabling developers from the WTL community to contribute to the library. WTL9.1是在3.0、3.1、7.0、7.1、7.5、8.0和9.0之后的第8个公开发布版本。这个版本基于微软公共授权协议,可以从WTL社区获取公共发布的WTL库进行授权开发。 WTL classes can be used with either VC++ 6.0, VC++ .NET 2002 or 2003, VC++ 2005 or 2008 or 2010 or 2012 or 2013 or 2015, or EVC++ 4.0 or 3.0. AppWizard for Visual Studio is included. WTL类库可以在下列开发环境中使用,VC++ 6.0,VC++ .NET 2002、2003,VC++ 2005、2008、2010、2012、2013、2015,以及EVC++ 3.0、4.0。WTL类库为Visual Studio提供应用程序向导组件。 The WTL classes are provided in header files located in the include directory. The only header files that must be included is atlapp.h, while others can be used when needed. The name of the file doesn't mean that you have to create an application, just that atlapp.h contains base definitions required for WTL projects. WTL类库以存放于include目录中的头文件的方式提供。只有atlapp.h是必须包含的头文件,其余头文件可按需包含引用。该文件的名称并非意味着你必须创建一个应用程序,atlapp.h只是包含了WTL所需的基本定义项目。 To install WTL, just copy the whole directory structure, or unpack the archive file, to the location of your choice. Please be sure to add the WTLinclude directory to the list of include directories in VC++, so that the compiler can find them when you include them in your projects. 安装WTL,只需拷贝整个目录内容或解压所需文件到你所选定的路径。请务必在VC++环境中添加WTL的include包含目录,好让编译器能够找到你工程中的包含文件。 Setup programs for the AppWizard are provided. After executing the setup script, ATL/WTL AppWizard will appear in the list of AppWizards when you select File.New.Project in VC++ IDE. The file AppWizsetup.js is the setup script for all supported versions of Visual Studio, while AppWizards for Windows CE have separate scripts for VS2005 and VS2008 SmartDevice projects. WTL安装包中提供了应用程序向导的安装程序。通过运行安装脚本,在VC++集成开发环境中从“文件|新建|工程”菜单新建项目时,在应用程序向导列表中将会出现ATL或WTL选项。AppWizsetup.js文件是支持所有版本的Visual Studio的安装脚本。另外,WTL为支持Windows CE下VS2005、VS2008智能设备工程的应用程序向导,提供了单独的安装脚本。 To manually install AppWizard for VC++ .NET 2002/2003, copy all WTLAppWiz.* files from AppWizFiles to VC++ .NET projects directory, %VC7DIR%Vc7vcprojects, where %VC7DIR% is the directory where VC++ .NET 2002/2003 is installed. After that, open WTLAppWiz.vsz and modify the like that contains ABSOLUTE_PATH to contain %WTLDIR%AppWizFiles, where %WTLDIR% is the directory where WTL files are. 要为VC++ .NET 2002/2003手工安装应用程序向导,可从AppWizFiles目录拷贝所有WTLAppWiz.*文件到VC++ .NET工程目录%VC7DIR%Vc7vcprojects,%VC7DIR%是VC++ .NET 2002/2003的安装目录。然后,打开WTLAppWiz.vsz文件修改ABSOLUTE_PATH指向%WTLDIR%AppWizFiles,%WTLDIR%是WTL文件的存放目录。 Platform support and requirements: 支持和请求的平台: Compiler/IDE/ATL: 编译器、集成开发环境、ATL: Visual C++ 6.0 (ATL 3.0) Visual C++.NET 2002 (ATL 7.0) Visual C++.NET 2003 (ATL 7.1) Visual C++ 2005 (ATL 8.0) Visual C++ 2008 (ATL 9.0) Visual C++ 2010 (ATL 10.0) Visual C++ 2012 (ATL 11.0) Visual C++ 2013 (ATL 12.0) Visual C++ 2015 (ATL 14.0) SDK (optional): SDK(可选): Any Platform SDK from January 2000 release up to the latest Windows SDK 支持2000年1月及之后发布的所有平台下的Windows SDK。 Windows CE development: Windows CE开发: eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 - Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002 eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 - STANDARDSDK_410, Pocket PC 2003, Smartphone 2003, STANDARDSDK_500, Pocket PC 2003 SE, Smartphone 2003 SE Visual C++ 2005 - Pocket PC 2003 SE, Smartphone 2003 SE, STANDARDSDK_500, Windows Mobile 5.0 (Pocket PC and Smartphone), Windows Mobile 6.0 (Standard and Professional) Visual C++ 2008 - Pocket PC 2003 SE, Smartphone 2003 SE, STANDARDSDK_500, Windows Mobile 5.0 (Pocket PC and Smartphone),
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