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2024-12-27 03:50

Various version strings.

The base OS build the product is based on.

The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build.

The internal value used by the underlying source control to represent this build. E.g., a perforce changelist number or a git hash.

The media performance class of the device or 0 if none.

If this value is not , the device conforms to the media performance class definition of the SDK version of this value. This value never changes while a device is booted, but it may increase when the hardware manufacturer provides an OTA update.

Possible non-zero values are defined in starting with .

The developer preview revision of a prerelease SDK. This value will always be on production platform builds/devices.

When this value is nonzero, any new API added since the last officially published is only guaranteed to be present on that specific preview revision. For example, an API might be present in preview revision 1 but renamed or removed entirely in preview revision 2, which may cause an app attempting to call it to crash at runtime.

Experimental apps targeting preview APIs should check this value for equality () with the preview SDK revision they were built for before using any prerelease platform APIs. Apps that detect a preview SDK revision other than the specific one they expect should fall back to using APIs from the previously published API level only to avoid unwanted runtime exceptions.

The user-visible version string. E.g., "1.0" or "3.4b5" or "bananas". This field is an opaque string. Do not assume that its value has any particular structure or that values of RELEASE from different releases can be somehow ordered.

The version string. May be or if not a final release build.

The version string we show to the user; may be or a descriptive string if not a final release build.

The user-visible SDK version of the framework in its raw String representation; use instead.

The SDK version of the software currently running on this hardware device. This value never changes while a device is booted, but it may increase when the hardware manufacturer provides an OTA update.

This constant records the major version of Android. Use if you need to consider the minor version of Android as well.

Possible values are defined in .

See also:

The major and minor SDK version of the software currently running on this hardware device. This value never changes while a device is booted, but it may increase when the hardware manufacturer provides an OTA update.

is increased on new Android dessert releases, also called major releases. Between these, Android may also release minor releases where remains unchanged. Minor releases can add new APIs, and have stricter guarantees around backwards compatibility (e.g. no changes gated by ) compared to major releases.

is increased on every release.

Possible values are defined in .

The user-visible security patch level. This value represents the date when the device most recently applied a security patch.

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