The android developer tools let you create interactive and powerful application for android platform. The tools can be generally categorized into two types.
SDK tools are generally platform independent and are required no matter which android platform you are working on. When you install the Android SDK into your system, these tools get automatically installed. The list of SDK tools has been given below −
We will discuss three important tools here that are android,ddms and sqlite3.
Android is a development tool that lets you perform these tasks:
DDMS stands for Dalvik debug monitor server, that provide many services on the device. The service could include message formation, call spoofing, capturing screenshot, exploring internal threads and file systems e.t.c
From Android studio click on Tools>Android>Android device Monitor.
In android, each application runs in its own process and each process run in the virtual machine. Each VM exposes a unique port, that a debugger can attach to.
When DDMS starts, it connects to adb. When a device is connected, a VM monitoring service is created between adb and DDMS, which notifies DDMS when a VM on the device is started or terminated.
Sqlite3 is a command line program which is used to manage the SQLite databases created by Android applications. The tool also allow us to execute the SQL statements on the fly.
There are two way through which you can use SQlite , either from remote shell or you can use locally.
Enter a remote shell by entering the following command −
From a remote shell, start the sqlite3 tool by entering the following command −
Once you invoke sqlite3, you can issue sqlite3 commands in the shell. To exit and return to the adb remote shell, enter exit or press CTRL+D.
Copy a database file from your device to your host machine.
Start the sqlite3 tool from the /tools directory, specifying the database file −
The platform tools are customized to support the features of the latest android platform.
The platform tools are typically updated every time you install a new SDK platform. Each update of the platform tools is backward compatible with older platforms.